In trying to find something to blog about, I thought I might share my Art Diary entries regarding my personal feelings about classifying myself as an Outsider Artist. After attending a workshop, 'ART Tune-UP', (June '06'), I was encouraged to explore and examine ' the categories my style fits in '. I was searching to discover where I fit, stylistically in the art world. I had many questions. But after a life changing accident (July '06'), I started considering 'Outsider Art', the best fit and whether or not it was the style that best described my Art. The following entries may give you a glimpse of my process. Everything in apostrophe is something I read somewhere, (without resources) and my response to the information I found is italicized. 


October 20, 2006


Well I am using the ideas Of 'Primitive Art" to describe my artwork, but I'm sure that accepting the definition will change my style. The reason I am using the term is to explore self-taught artistry :

What is Primitive Art or Outsider Art?

1. A "celebration of the 'Unconscious' often with the implication and concern with dreams and symbols, often assumed to be universal." Ok I can see that.


2. The "application of paint in a rough manipulated style, so as to connote rawness."  Well yeah that's me,raw baby! Life is raw and gritty with emotions. Painting one layer after another that congeal into rough, knotty, shiny pockets of paint that express the grittiness, on canvas.

3. That painting "arises from a condition of the soul, which is particularly unique and commanding this vision like every artistic concept, merges with a necessity to express itself, a necessity much stronger than the artist himself. He succumbs to this necessity and is forced to realize his vision at all costs". But isn't that what all artist do?

4. "Intuitive Art." I still feel averse to the term 'Primitive' because I wonder if its a superficial description. Does it describe my heritage being from a background replete of indigenous people thought to be primitive? Not liking this. I don't like being classified, compartmentalized, pigeon-holed..............

October 21, 2006
If I have to be categorized in order to show my art, which I have to say, is not me; then 'Outsider' I must sit with it, because I don't know what it means? I believe that the term is negative.

October 22, 2006
After thinking about it, I can see a fit with 'Outsider' . I saw a commercial that caught my attention, it said something like ' when you don't fit in anywhere, you are the citizen of the world'; I like that. Maybe outsider might work. I remember a paper I wrote in school about being an 'Outsider'.

October 23, 2006
Okay, people need a category to put me in to understand from their own perspective, okay as long as I know, the term is just a term, it's okay. Why do I need to be put in a category, though? So I'll work on acceptance. 

 I forgot the process of defining my style, until I read my art dairy. It was a search that was appropriate for my growth as an artist, and it has not impacted my painting style as I originally thought. When I look at my artworks in the past seven years, from Zydeco Art to Manifest Feelings, artwork produced immediately after my head injury until now, the change came from within my being, as I heal and change myself. "I am the canvas that continually changes". Blessings.